Labor Activists


Labor leader, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones

Women were an integral part of the labor movement. Some women, like Emma Goldman,  fought for worker's rights through radical activism. Women like "Mother" Jones and "Annie" Clemenc organized men and women in labor unions and provided inspiration to those on strike or boycotts. Women organized separate labor unions for women and also worked alongside men in integrated unions. Although generally excluded from the highest echelons of labor leadership, some women did rise to the top, such as Frances Perkins who became the first female Cabinet member as Secretary of Labor. Also, Dolores Huerta co-organized a labor union for some of the nation's most downtrodden workers—farm laborers.  Female labor leaders played a crucial role in securing the rights and advances of workers in the 19th and 20th century.

Timeline of "Women in Labor History" from American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees


Labor Leader, Anna "Annie" Clemenc


Labor activist, Emma Goldman


First female Cabinet member, Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins


Co-creator of United Farm Workers Union, Dolores Huerta