Reform (Social or Labor)
Reform (Social or Labor)
The reform collection highlights those women who dared to influence labor changes to expand worker control over their conditions or who dared to reform society in a positive manner. In the United States, women have historically been major contributors to the great reform movements. Although their work is not given as much credit as those of their male counterparts, it was women who did much of the grassroots campaigning for universal suffrage, abolition of slavery, labor legislation, prison reform, social welfare programs, asylum reform, religious freedom, peace programs, and universal education. This collection then highlights the work of some of those activists and encourages us to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Collection Items
Anna "Annie" Clemenc
Michigan labor activist who rallied workers and fought against capitalists so that laborers could sit at the bargaining table
Dolores Huerta
Labor activist whose work creating the United Farm Workers Union gave a disenfranchised group of laborers a voice in work relations
Fannie Lou Hamer
Fought for voting rights for African Americans and led change through the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and her Congressional testimony
Jane Addams
Progressive-era reformer who sought to change society through education, labor legislation, and social work
Margaret Sanger
Nurse who risked her freedom to open birth control clinics and laid the path for reproductive rights
Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
Renowned labor activist who worked to improve working conditions for men and women
Rose Gollup Cohen
Immigrant sweatshop worker who wrote about the abuses suffered by workers during the Industrial Revolution